It really did complete his room.
When we moved out to the country when this baby was a 18 months old, the letters were one of the first things I hung in his big boy room.
We didn't find out the gender of our 2nd baby before he was born. I bought letters for both the girl name and the boy name. Don't do that--just wait. When our baby was born, I carefully hung his name letters over his crib. I loved it!
When baby #3 came along, I knew better than to buy two names worth of letters again. Besides, his room was fancy and I thought I'd just write it on a board in his nursery collage. I never got around to it and something was always missing from that very popular nursery!
I moved the older two boys into a room together and painted both of their names a bright color to go with their room. When they moved rooms again because Mommy likes to switch things up, their names went with them.
We moved into transitional housing when the youngest was 1. Who needs names on the walls when you're only living somewhere for a few months? But after a year of that, we unpacked again in Ohio and this time the youngest two were sharing a room and it became increasingly obvious that middle brother had a name and little brother didn't.
And big brother had a name in his room.. But we had no JoAnn store there.
Let's just cut this pathetic narration short and tell you that finally, at the tender age of 3 years, 5 months, my youngest son now has his name proudly displayed in his room.
It's not above his bed, but it's directly across from it. His bed looks like this.
His is the middle bed in their long, narrow room. At the time his bedspread didn't match (it was the one hanging on the wall now) so that was the only way Momma felt balanced.
On the left is middle brother's bed.
And on the right is big brother's bed.
Ah. Finally!
Are there things on your mental to-do list that have been sitting there for YEARS! I confess, I have another one. In our bathroom are two portraits of two laughing babies each playing in a tin washtub at 9 months old. Um, I have THREE sons....
Get on that already!

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