Hey look, after this post I'll be all caught up with "Life Lately" and will have to wait until the end of the month for another one. Yay!
This is the month my mom visited from California, so we were out and about more than usual, so I felt like I was constantly on Instagram. I'm not usually. It also means we packed in more than the usual amount of outings. You've been warned.
September 3: What is the meaning of this?
I love fall, truly I do, but this was so early in September and the weather was really hot and it just caught me without any preparation. That and winter in the Midwest is no joke.
This is what Grandma Joycie came from California for!
At the coffee shop: Hanging out with Grandma!
At the coffee shop: Having fun with Grandma!
Looking cute in their new outfits from Grandma! Always time for another story!
At the Children's Museum: Exploring!
At the museum: Loving the water play exhibit!
Enjoying my momma!
It's a zoo day! #fivelittlemonkeys
At the zoo: Grandma and her boys.
Happy birthday to Gary!
We had fun making finger people with a happy face drawn in Sharpie and acorn caps for hats!
Taking a walk with Grandma. (This day was so cold!)
We're not cold. Nope.
Feeling domestic. Split pea soup, artisan bread with dipping oil, fall centerpiece with candles. Yes, I lit the candles for the meal--just forgot to before the picture!
Pretty wildflower bouquet.
Nebraska State Capitol Building
Spotted: Fall colors! (See, two weeks after the first sighting, I'm better prepared for seeing this!)
My jean jacket has multiplied the options in my closet. (That's a good thing about cooler days!)
I optimistically tried German pancakes on my boys as an easy alternative to regular pancakes. They're wonderfully simple, fewer ingredients and easier clean-up. The verdict: too eggy. Bummer.
We've tried these a couple times since. I especially like the apple version and the boys like it too. And oat flour (made with blended oats like you make oatmeal with) works great as a gluten free substitute for regular flour.
Look who just completed his first half marathon! So proud!
Cousin fun!
Gary's brother and family stopped by on their way back to California. These cousins only get to see each other every couple of years but they're great friends!
Cousin fun!
Pioneers Park Nature Center
Brothers + Josiah
Cousins + ice cream
At the Children's Museum: We're flying to California!
We needed to get out of the house after the cousins left. With them and Grandma Joycie all having left us to go back to California, we were imagining going that way too!
Or we could take a train to California!
Or we'll splash our way to California!
My little cutie got new glasses!
My happy helper! Josiah's doing dishes.
This is what homeschool looks like today. Jared loves school and asks when he can do more.
(That workbook is one of a series of books from the dollar spot at Target. Love them!)
So that's September for you! Are you on Instagram? I'd love to follow you if you are!

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