This little sweetie is my nephew, Malcolm. His daddy is my brother and his mommy is my best friend of 20 years. Yes, I knew her for 10 years before she started dating my brother, and no, I had nothing to do with the connection!
Also, baby Malcolm isn't 13 days old, that's the number on my 31-day series of blogging every day for the month of October. So far I haven't missed a post!
Anyhow, Malcolm was born early due to complications and his little lungs weren't ready to do all the work on their own yet. You can read a little more of his journey HERE and HERE. This is Malcolm's third full week in the NICCU. Since last week, Malcolm is off all ventilators but still gets oxygen in his nose. He is off the sedatives he was on. He's started getting "food" in his IV and his mommy and daddy have gotten to hold him much more frequently.
Malcolm is improving but one thing the doctors are puzzled over his a continued high heart rate. They thought at first it was because he was going through withdrawals from some of the meds, but they should be out of his system by now.
So if you've been praying for Malcolm, thank you! It means so much to our family! We ask this week that you pray for his elevated heart rate to be figured out and successfully lowered, as well as for his lungs to continue to grow. I'd also appreciate if you would pray for Malcolm's parents. Luke had to go back to work and spends his nights at the hospital. He also helps a lot at home because Lisa isn't supposed to lift their 2-year-old while she recovers. As you can imagine, this is a stressful time for them!
Thanks so much for caring about baby Malcolm!

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