I love Instagram. I'm a little bit addicted. :D It's just such a fun way to share a little bit of your life! If you'd like to follow me I'm gibsongirl726. I'll follow back!
I plan in 2013 to join the Insta-Friday crowd, but for now I'd like to just get through December. The whole entire month. Can you handle it? (You can't HANDLE the truth!!!) #excusememyageisshowing
1. 6 days before our move-out date our building is getting heat!
2. This little boy can't get enough curried veggies!
3. I spotted these amazingly adorable dresses at Target today. My first thought was WHY don't I have a girl??? Then I saw the price- $100 for one and a little less for the other. Target? Seriously?
4. At Kohl's. I think this grumpy trio needs lunch!
5. Just as good as I remember it! #Ilovelettucewraps
6. Stop #4, the mall. #mykidsaretroopers
7. House of Style. #goodbyelonglocks
8. Going blonde! And donating 14 inches to Locks of Love.
9. The new me!
10. Ok, I never posted this on Instagram, but I should have! My friend taped black construction paper to their coffee table and drew roads and buildings on it for his son's cars. There's a big white paper "road" around the outside. Love the creativity!
11. I love fall!
12. My J in the pretty yellow leaves. (Also never posted!)
13. J loves Jojo! (not posted)
14. Jared loves Jojo too! (not posted)
15. Brotherly Love
16. Cute little guy is getting really good at building train tracks!
Starting with the top left and going across...
1. Goodbye Weimar!
2. I love the lighting at Chevy's!
3. *not posted* Jonathan made a cross with Jesus on it from the dough they give the kids to play with at Chevy's. That boy!
4. Enjoyed the Christmas tree at Gibson's tonight. (Glenn & Missy's place)
5. At the Science Center!
6. Endeavor. So cool!
7. Maddy taking a break in Josiah's buggy.
8. Hello LA!
9. *not posted* Squished much? Love how the kids are right next to Uncle Glenn with plenty of extra couch.
10. Gourmet spread at Dad & Jan's.
11. Dad and Jan's tree.
12. Listening to Dad recount stories of Grandpa's experiences in WWII while enjoying Jan's fresh gingerbread. (Grandpa passed away about 3 weeks before this.)
13. Story time with Grandma Jan.
14. Playing with Grandpa. (Love the look on my dad's face!)
15. *not posted* Picnic tables at Plan B are from a kit available at Lowe's for about $80. I would so do this in my kitchen!
16. My Dad, living the dream. (Owner/operator of Plan B Winery in Ventura, CA.)
Starting at the top left and going across:
1. Bathtime at Grandma Joycie's! (This was even more special given that there wasn't a bathtub the whole 4 months at Weimar! Little Josiah loves to lay down in the water. Cute cute cute!) #nonakedbabybuttsforyou
2. *not posted* Mom read Pickle Juice to the boys. It was a random children's book my brother and I got at the library in the early 1980s. Luke memorized the words and we had a scratchy recording on cassette of him "reading" the story. He had the cutest little boy voice and "pickle juice" sounded like "pikko duce". He's now a rocket scientist. Literally. My boys love the story of their Uncle Luke when he was their age. Aw...
3. I made one of these with glittery ornaments and now the house and I are covered with glitter! Make it stop!!
4. It's Christmas! (We celebrated early with my Mom.)
5. Grandma & Jonathan
6. Grandma & Jared
7. This just happened. #mazithra #oldspaghettifactory
8. Leaving So. Cal. :-(
9. Hwy 40
10. Sunset (almost to Arizona)
11. Snow! (We didn't build the snowman in our hotel's parking lot, but it sure was cute!)
12. Good morning from Williams, AZ! Due to a snow storm coming in, we're skipping the stop at the Grand Canyon. #socloseyetsofar
13. Breakfast at Pine Country restaurant. Cute decorations!
14. Lots of trains and a big big sky. #Arizona
15. Pretty #Arizona
16. Albuquerque sunset. #newmexico
Anyone still with me? We're still driving across the states!
Starting at the top left and going across...
1. Trying to see the beauty in big skies, wind and tumbleweeds. #newmexico
2. Amarillo! #Texas
3. Elk City #Oklahoma #arewethereyet
4. Always windy. #somewhereinoklahoma
5. Oklahoma City. #arewethereyet #Oklahoma
6. After 3 days it's time to say goodbye to Hwy 40. Hello 44! #Oklahoma
7. *not posted* Biggest brother passing the time by tracing littlest brother's hand.
8. Last meal on the road! Jared has been asking for Taco Bell every time we stop. #arewethereyet
9. *not posted* Work that spoon!!!
10. Josiah's getting the job done! #imabigboynow
11. Tulsa, OK. #arewethereyet
12. Toll roads are a pain! Hope our $13 covers the damage we caused. #arewethereyet
13. *not posted* Caribou Coffee's holiday beverages are awesome!
14. Rolla in the rain. #arewethereyet
15. *not my picture* My nephew Declan. #mybrotherskid
16. *not my picture* Declan is the cutest baby ever! #myBFFskid
Last one, I promise.
1. *not posted* Making memories and cookies with Grandma.
2. Russian tea cakes! Yes please!
3. Oh Christmas tree!
4.*not posted* Enjoying all the toys and lots of time to play.
5. Little boys getting reacquainted with their puppy.
6. Cutest fireman ever.
7. Lego rocket scientist.
8. 3-2-1 blastoff!
9. Sunset in the Ozarks. No filter. #Missouri
10. Today is our Christmas!
11. Wow! We like presents! (Josiah loves to say, "wow!")
12. Merry Christmas!
13. New legos for the boys means a big job for Mommy!
14. Legos! Turns out Daddy is much faster building tractors than Mommy.
15. Carols by firelight. #onelastchance
16. *not posted* White Christmas... a few days late.

Wow- Ellie- You did do a lot of Instagrams. I love your "going blond"- it looks darling- xo Diana