It's funny, since we've been in town--less than 24 hours--we've been to two of the same restaurants, I recognized the workers at the grocery stores where I used to do my weekly shopping, even ran into a friend while we were out. It really feels like home here in Iowa, even though we've been gone for a year now.
We'll be in Iowa all week, so next week's Insta-Friday will be all about that. Today, just some randomness from a random week in July in Ohio!
On Sunday we went to the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall that was in Johnstown, Ohio. I've seen this replica wall before and I've seen the original in D. C. It just hits you differently every time. War is no fun.
It was hot!
And sticky.
On Monday this happened! It's always hard after you move to know where to go to get your hair done. I asked a friend who she goes to and got my hair done a week later. I had a great experience! Thanks again for the referral, Kim!
I think it turned out pretty cute too!
On Tuesday I tried this. Coffee + coconut oil + blender = latte. It's weird, but the blender emulsifies the coconut oil. I did include a little sugar and milk, but much less than I have in a regular cup of joe. Spend a minute on Pinterest or Google and you'll get an idea of the benefits of coconut oil.
This also happened on Tuesday. It still makes me want to cry, so I have to look at it very logically. Josiah is 26 months old. He no longer uses a sippy. The mouthpieces are chewed on and cracked... They've served our three kiddos well, and I want the cupboard space! Just don't think about how it means there are no more babies in the house.
On Wednesday, the boys helped Daddy change the oil in our car. And by helped, of course I mean watched intensely while asking 1000 questions! Gary is a sport and they probably know more about it than I do now. I love that he can do this, as I would have had to waste half the day at Jiffy Lube and here he is, teaching the boys and getting it done at the cost of materials and a quarter of the time.
We were invited over for a play date on Wednesday! This pool is awesome and entertained 5 boys for two hours! I think they would have played longer, but sadly it was bedtime and we had to go. Thanks for a fun evening, Myers family! Let's do it again soon!
We were on the road by 7:10 on Thursday morning. We had 9:30 hours of drive time ahead of us. These guys are the best little travelers ever! I had a bag with a few toys, coloring pages on clipboards, we listened to Bible songs, had water/gum breaks and ate two meals on the road. Seriously, they're awesome!
I snapped this picturesque farm not far from Mt. Vernon, Ohio. It really is a portrait of the American Midwest, isn't it? So pretty!
Do you play the license plate game? I guess it's not much of a game, you just write down the different states on license plates that you pass. Something easy and entertaining for people who like lists.
We have borrowed a friend's travel trailer to live in for the next 10 days or so. Thanks so much, Mark and Julie! The boys were just glad to get out of the car and run around! Here they're investigating a trail of ants.
Awesome trailer-lending people have this cutie-patootie. It's good to get my baby fix!
How's your summer going? Is it hotter than is

I threw out sippy cup's Friday as well! LOL It is hard letting go of that stuff. Signifies they are growing up :(