Hope you've had a great 4th of July! My husband is off again today, so we decided last-minute to go to Missouri to see Gary's parents!
Let's back up though and go through the week chronologically.
On Friday we grilled pizza. Quintessentially summer!
On Sabbath we visited a small-town church in Galion, OH.
On Sunday Gary and the boys picked wild berries that grow around the school property where we live. They found mostly blackberries but also a few mulberries and raspberries. I made a berry crisp that we enjoyed with fresh vanilla ice cream from the local dairy. Yum!
The boys wrapped up their swim lessons this week. Here's Jonathan jumping in! He had so much fun.
Jared did better this week. We asked his teacher to go in shallower water and Jared was much more willing to put his face in the water and interact with the teacher then. Josiah (still not officially part of the class but allowed in during the 10-minute free swim time) loves to splash and jump and isn't at all afraid of the water.
Tuesday was our 7th Anniversary! We took our sweeties into Columbus where we enjoyed a meal and a treat at the Cheesecake Factory. It wasn't particularly relaxing or romantic, but it was true to our current situation in life and we adore our boys, so what do ya do?!
On Wednesday we packed up and drove to Missouri. It's a long way, but the drive went well. Apparently I didn't feel like posting anything about in to Instagram, so there are no pictures.
We had a nice 4th of July. We ate lunch at the church, relaxed in the afternoon and had s'mores and fireworks in the evening.
Today the boys are enjoying the great outdoors! It's not as hot as in other years.
Jon and Helen have a lovely garden. I always enjoy it!
One regret about our place in Ohio is that there's no where for our dog. An inside dog, yes, but our Australian Shepherd, Jude, has always had the freedom to run around, eat and drink, sleep and play when he wants. I'm not thrilled with the idea of an inside dog and the added house-cleaning, so here Jude stays.
Gary's grandma continues to hang on. Hospice helps Jon and Helen care for her, but she's not aware of much anymore. She doesn't know who we are and is content to sit and look out her window. We never know if the visit is the last one.
And on that note, I'll wish you a great weekend! I'd be happy to follow you on Instagram--leave me a comment with your information!

Miss my buddies - so cute!