Like any little boys, my three love playing in sand. And water. So when we visited my Mom who lives in Ventura two weeks ago, we knew we would be spending some time at the beach!
It was a perfect day--in the 70s, like usual in Ventura (lucky people!)--with just enough breeze to keep things from getting too hot or sticky.
We all had so much fun! There wasn't much time to relax and read a magazine while watching three little boys, but other than getting sand in everything (even the sandwiches), it was a perfect day.
Jonathan liked to play at the edge of the water, finding seaweed, running from waves and digging in the wet sand.
Josiah stayed close to our stuff--hence the sandy sandwiches, but I was glad I wasn't having to chase him down! He loved feeling the sand and though I tried to keep a binky in his mouth, some sand got eaten. Ew!
Jared preferred the dry sand and developed a healthy fear of seagulls when one snatched his sandwich resting only a couple feet from where Jared was eating!
Jonathan was especially interested in making a sand castle and did a lot of experimenting on the right consistency of sand. Or, rather, the right ratio of sand and water.
My family moved to Ventura when I was 10 and I have so many memories of playing at this beach! On one hand I feel as though it wasn't that long ago, then I realize it was 20 years and now I'm the mom with little ones at the beach. Weird! But fun too. Full circle.
After showers and some rest time at Mom's house we got to meet my brother for supper! He was in town on business and only had a couple hours, but it was so good to see him! Luke is going to be a daddy any day now and I'm so so excited for him! (Missed you, Lisa!!!)
Have you had a perfect day at the beach recently?
Dear Ellie. You had a fantastic day, for sure. Lovely photos. Here it`s much too cold to go to the beach. Brrr.
What great pictures of your family, Ellie. You are just beautiful....inside and out! xo Diana