Our garden is growing like crazy!
Butternut Squash
Tomatoes & Garlic
And the dirtiest little boy ever!
Seriously, doesn't he look like a poster child for one of those feed-the-children ads?
This afternoon I went out to the garden to see what I should make for supper. I filled my basket with rhubarb, strawberries, zucchini, yellow squash, onions, beets, parsley, basil and cilantro.
And this is what we feasted on!
Couscous Salad
For the couscous salad, I mixed 1 cup of dry couscous with 1 1/2 cups boiling water, then let it sit for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, I chopped a cucumber (from a friend's garden--can't wait till ours are ready!) and 1/4 each of a red, yellow and orange bell pepper. I also chopped up the herbs I picked--5 or 6 basil leaves, a couple tablespoons of parsley, and one sprig of cilantro. I passed the dish along to my sweetheart (gotta love a man who cooks!) who added EVOO, salt, lemon juice and balsamic glaze. It was delicious!
Steamed Beets
After washing off the dirt from the garden, I cut off the tops and boiled my beets whole for about 45 minutes. When a fork easily pierces the beets, they're done! I rinsed them in cold water so I could handle them, cut off a thin layer at the stem end and popped the rest of the skin right off. I diced the beets at that was eat! We ate them with a little sea salt.
Sauteed Zucchini & Yellow Squash
My favorite way to eat zucchini and yellow squash is to saute it with garlic, onion and EVOO. I mix it occasionally so nothing burns. I cook it until the veggies are soft but not mushy, and when some of the pieces are starting to brown.
With a piece of homemade whole grain bread, you've got yourself a yummy meal!
Did you notice it was meatless? Yeah. We're vegan! We also choose to grow organic, heirloom veggies in our garden. That way we know our family is getting the best nutrition possible. We're able to save the seeds or let things seed themselves from year to year. None of us has allergies to meat or dairy products; we're not doing it for political reasons or to save the planet. We feel it's the best for our bodies and minds to eat a simple diet close to the original plan that God designed at creation.
We also choose to enjoy a yummy dessert once in a while!
Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisp
Notice it's mostly gone? Hey now, our kids are good eaters! And I already packed my husband's lunch for tomorrow, so really that's 5 portions gone. And it was SO GOOD!
Did I mention it was yummy?!
I used a tried-and-true Betty Crocker recipe and followed the modifications for rhubarb crisp that come after the basic apple crisp recipe. And I've included it for your enjoyment.
Apple Crisp
2 cups cut up rhubarb pieces
2 cups sliced strawberries
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup quick-cooking oats
1/3 cup butter or margarine, softened
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1. Heat oven to 375*. Grease bottom and sides of square pan, 8 x 8 x 2 inches, with shortening.
2. Spread fruit in pan. Mix remaining ingredients; sprinkle over apples.
3. Bake about 30 minutes. Serve warm.