Last week we were able to go to Southern California to see my husband's brother, his wife and their three children, ages 4, 6 and 8. Our kids are 1 1/2, 3 1/2 and 5 1/2. They played well together and my boys are still tired!
We had a great, low-key Thanksgiving together. The kids played all day, the adults got to hang out and we had plenty of time to cook a yummy meatless Thanksgiving meal which we ate outside. It was almost 80! Sadly, I took no pictures.
On Friday we avoided the stores and took the kids to the zoo. (I've never participated in Black Friday! Do you? I just can't imagine that a few good deals are worth the loss of sleep, fighting crowds and potential loss of dignity! Maybe I'm wrong.) The zoo was pretty crowded anyway, but we enjoyed a few hours
We didn't leave until Sunday and had really bad traffic. It took us almost 12 hours to drive 400 miles. Usually it's about 7 hours, but in addition to the traffic we stopped a few times to eat and let the boys run. They're wonderful little travelers but 12 hours is pushing anyone's limit!
Now we're back at our temporary home with two weeks on the clock until the program here is over. Gary's graduation is tomorrow night! (There's another week of classes after that.)
The question we keep getting--and rightly so--is, Where are you going after this? Can you believe we don't know? It's like being past your due-date with your first child and you feel like a ticking time bomb and people keep calling and asking, Did you have your baby yet? like you might have just forgotten to tell the world!
There are possibilities out there. Gary has had interviews, there have been call backs, there is still potential of being hired as a Bible worker. There's also the possibility of more classes somewhere. We really aren't sure.
We are sure that it will become clear as we work through the options in the next few days. I'm certain that God brought us here. He has provided for us and we have not only survived here, we have thrived! It has been such a good experience and we're so grateful we took the plunge and did it!
Do you remember the story of when Peter was in prison? King Herod had accepted the Jewish faith and was trying to impress the Jews so he had James killed. Next he arrested Peter with the same intent. But it was during a Feast, so he left Peter in prison until it was over. The new followers of Jesus met together at someone's house, praying and fasting this whole time. It's the.night.before his scheduled execution and Peter is still in prison. There are 16 men guarding him, two at each of three doors and two more chained to Peter inside his cell. And what's Peter doing the night before he's slated to die?
He's sleeping. Totally at peace. God waited until a mere hour or two before the execution before sending an angel right into the cell to awaken Peter. The chains fall off, Peter gets dressed, the angel is beaming his heavenly light and the guards are sleeping. The creaky doors open quietly and Peter and the angel walk right out of the prison.
So who am I to doubt! I'm anxious, yes, and excited about the possibilities. I know God won't stop leading us now, he's just doing it in his timing.
So if anyone is still out there reading this, I have to admit I'm frustrated with this whole blogging thing! I'm honored that you still follow me. I wish I had better content to offer you, but I'm rather limited!
(I had to include the pretty, decorative elephants, because the real one was hiding! It did have huge tusks though, as you can almost see with plenty of imagination to fill in the gap!)
Ok, the blog thing. I've been better about balancing my time here. I exercise. I get laundry done before it overwhelms me. Town is 15 minutes instead of 50, so we go more often, and my boys have stopped napping as long. My exercise program (walking with a friend-best ever motivator!) starts at 5 AM, so I don't stay up late either! That doesn't leave much time left for coming up with creative blog posts!
Not to mention, we came here with a few boxes of necessities, not pretty things. I can't re-do furniture, I'm not decorating an ugly dorm room--at least, not spending money on it! I didn't have anything to put up for Thanksgiving, and besides, we were gone for most of the week. Now it's almost December and we're needing to move in 10 days. I do have a couple Christmas crafts planned, but that's it! I'm also a firm believer that Christmas starts December 1st, not the day after Thanksgiving...
So, with some rather harsh lighting and plastic smiles, here's hoping you had a great Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my little hobby of an outlet, this here blog and my family and friends who read it. Thank you for your time! I'd appreciate your prayers as we get ready to transition into another unknown. Hopefully I can paint and decorate the next place we live!