We loved the Grand Tetons we went back for seconds.
We stayed at a motel at the end of the valley and just before Jackson Hole. Which is another fun tourist town that I wouldn't at all mind living in. Skiing, camping, hiking and THIS:
Anyway, this was the view across the valley from the motel. It was after nine when we arrived and they didn't have WiFi in the rooms, so we gave the boys baths and watched the Olympics instead of keeping up on the blog. I hated to get behind, but a night off was good for me!
After breakfast and a trip to Jackson Hole to get a few things (batteries and diapers, namely), we headed back up into the Grand Tetons.
I love skiing! Can I come back here this winter?
The mountains were more rugged and majestic in full daylight.
And then I bought a house:
This is our view:
When are you coming to visit me in my alternate reality??? Just for fun, I looked up some real estate figures and acreages out here run from half a million to 11 million dollars. Sigh...
We drove up to the north end of the valley, then had our picnic lunch by Jackson Lake.
After we ate, we went swimming!
The water was cold but the day was hot, so it felt good to be in. We splashed around for about an hour before heading south again. We drove on another road slightly closer to the mountains.
This is Jenny Lake.
We bid a fond farewell to the Grand Tetons, drove through Jackson and over the pass to Idaho.
It was quite the climb and our loaded-down car was working hard!
Yay! Idaho!
And, because there wasn't a sign when we entered Wyoming, we had to set the record straight! (We're still missing Montana, but we only stayed over night in one little tourist town which is practically inside Yellowstone, so I guess it's stretching it to say we traveled in Montana anyway.)
We drove down the mountains and into the hills...
...then into the valley where there were potatoes! How appropriate!
There was wheat too.
And that, my friends, is the anti-climactic end of the pictures for that day! We ate at Olive Garden and stayed at a very nice Best Western in Idaho Falls that cost about the same as our mediocre accommodations in Jackson Hole the night before. We took the boys swimming at the pool that evening. It made their day to go swimming in a lake and a pool in one day!
Tomorrow: Utah!

Ellie, I'm loving reading about your trip! These pictures are absolutely my favorite so far. Amazing!