We're renting right now, but we got a garden planted anyway! There are some great raised beds as part of the landscaping around the house, and they were completely empty.
Jonathan really does a great job with a hoe, and was so excited about planting flowers! We gave him his own little plot. We planted tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, spinach, lettuce, garlic, cucumbers, beets, carrots, basil, parsley, cilantro and marigolds. I'll show you more when they grow in.
These little guys actually did a great job spreading mulch and hauling away rocks, but I happened to catch them taking a break and accused them of being our supervisors! Little cuties.
On one Sunday I was told very firmly that I was supposed to leave the house. Yeah, I got kicked out! I had no idea where to go for my free time, so I grabbed my latest Country Living and happened to find a Scooter's Coffee shop in a cute little neighbor hood. New magazine + yummy beverage + free time = bliss!
This cuteness? Said Scooter's from above. This is their drive-thru. Totally love it. Totally need a friend to go hang out with me there once a week or something. #mommytherapy
One day a couple of weeks ago, we were invited to join another family at Pioneers Park. The day was perfect; a little cool in the morning but sunny and enjoyable. We saw elk and baby geese, ok, fine, goslings, learned about the prairie and beavers and turtles and all sorts of stuff.
The boys liked this tee-pee and would have stayed much longer but it was lunch time.
We also got to see this turtle eat her lunch--a piece of banana!
One of my kids takes fingerpainting quite literally.
Another emulates his big brother.
And the third is three, what more do you expect?
Ok, there are moments when they take it seriously and have so much fun creating!
Then they go back to doing this...
... and this happens and they wonder why we don't paint more often. #rocketscience
I love love love this jar board! It's for sale at my Etsy store, if you love love love it too!
Nothing beats time at a lake throwing rocks!
I let a mess overwhelm me and procrastinated cleaning it up.
It took less than an hour. Next time I'm not putting it off so long. Duh.
This was the first time we broke out the sprinkler to beat the heat! The boys were in heaven!
But then they found mud and painted on some war paint while Gary was grilling and I was inside making the rest of supper. We've been eating outside on my new picnic table a lot! But this night, a certain trio got hosed off before enjoying their dinner al fresco!
We had our first camping trip of the season this weekend! We went to a little lake near Lincoln, and I think the boys had fun. I'll tell you more about it in an up-coming post. #spoileralert #wehatedit
So how did May treat you? I feel I had a better balance of babysitting and other Mom responsibilities. We got all the birthdays celebrated and I survived seeing all my babies turn a year older. #iwantanotherone #kidding #notkidding
I also want to state for the record that this was the shortest spring ever! The first of the month was still a little cold and rainy and by the end it was officially too hot/muggy/buggy to stay outside all day. I want spring back!
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