
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy Blogiversary!

It's my 1-year blogiversary!

It's been a good year. I feel that I have been blessed by the blogging community. I love knowing there are so many others out there trying to make something beautiful--whether is your home, family, crafts... I'm thankful for the friends I've made, the ideas I've seen, the projects I've gotten done, all in the name of blogging.

Ok, enough of that. What I'd like to do is compare the following completely random and made-up list of typical blog posts to projects I've blogged about over the last year. I know there are a couple 'standard' things I have yet to accomplish!

1. Declare your love for spray paint.

Candle Holder Makeover


2. Repurpose something destined for the trash into a great craft project.

DIY Chore Chart
Used canning lids

Magnetic chore chart

 3. Do something with burlap.

Empty frame

Add some burlap and stickers

Dry-erase menu board

4. Set a pretty tablescape for the sole purpose of taking pictures of it.

Fantasy breakfast

brought to you in bed!

4. Make a wreath.

Cardboard circle + twine + coffee filter flowers

= pretty wreath for free!

5. Renovate your bathroom or kitchen.

Install beadboard, paint mirror frame

add mason jar accessories

Add Goodwill shelf you painted

DIY art and a fluffy bathrobe

repurposed barn boards into shelves!

6. Paint a piece of furniture.
Before (free, btw!)


After (detail)

7. DIY something that most people would buy.

Ana White plans

Handy husband

Amazing loft bed + lower bunk.

8. Organize a small space.
Boys' closet before

Boys' closet after

9. Fix something using hot glue.

I did that today! Check back tomorrow for the details!

10. Make something out of a drop cloth.

I bought one yesterday and have all the plans in my head. Can't wait to get the rest of the list checked off so I can be a 'real' blogger!

Here's to another year of blogging! 


  1. congratulations and look at what you have done in one year.

  2. Congratulations on successfully blogging for a year! Keep it coming!

  3. Congratulations on your blogiversary, Ellie! I love your Top 10 list. As I was reading down the list, I was thinking "yep, did that... yep, did that." It's amazing what blogging can inspire people to do, huh?

    Here's to another wonderful year for your blog!
    Meredith @ Welcome to Heardmont

  4. Happy Birthday to your blog! I loved this list. You really did some great things this past year. I'm afraid I don't have such a glamorous list but I do love all the inspiration!
