
Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Traditions

This Christmas will be the first Christmas our family has spent together at home! We've celebrated Christmas early at home one year, but we've always been gone on Christmas Day. Our families are far away--northern and southern California, Missouri, Virginia... The little ones make flying difficult and expensive, so it was an easy decision to stay home this year.

One of the most important things we want to do as a family is start to establish our own traditions. These are some of the things we've done already and things we hope to be able to do yet!

Time Together. My husband has 10 days off!

A Live Tree. See more of it here.

Homemade Decorations. I told you more about them here

A Nativity and lots of time spent reading and talking about the story so even my 3-year-old can understand it!

Treats! I'll blog about these little goodies this week.

Homemade gifts. I hope no grandparents are reading this until after Christmas!

Stockings and the cutest stocking hangers ever!!!

A candid and relaxed family picture for our Christmas Card.

SNOW. Lots and lots of snow! We have several inches on the ground already, a couple more inches coming tonight and a big storm predicted for Thursday. Glad we're not trying to drive anywhere!

Presents! This picture is from last year. It's so fun to watch the boys open their presents! And so fun to see how much they've grown in a year!

We're looking forward to a fun-filled day! What are your traditions? I'm linking up to Kim's Dare to DIY party at NewlyWoodwards. Stop on by to see more!

Dare to DIY


  1. Isn't it fun to think of all of the fun and happy memories you will be creating for your little ones??!!

  2. Looks liek you have a lot of amazing traditions. I love the nativity you have. And, I adore your family photo. Just adorable, and real.

    Have a very merry Christmas!! Thanks for linking up.

  3. Oh that snow is beautiful! And the grandparents will LOVE those gifts!

  4. Your homemade decorations are beautiful! Enjoy your Christmas with your family!
