
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Guest Room Tour

Welcome to our guest room! 

You guys! I've missed you! I've missed blogging! I've missed over-sharing our lives and home. 

We have been in Ohio for about 6 weeks. Most of the rental house is unpacked and looking like home. I'm planning to take and edit more pictures this week so you can see where we'll be calling home for the next year. Talk about a whole package of answered prayers.

Do you mind if I tell you one of those answered prayers?

It's Mother's Day and this is my prayer as a mom way back in California when Gary was in school and we had no idea where we were going or what we would be doing. And I kept praying it through the ups and downs, through the long months of waiting in Missouri, through the unknowns. I felt like it was somewhat of a selfish prayer, knowing all that really mattered was that our basic needs were met.

Please let us end up somewhere that the boys can play outside safely, without my constant supervision. Please let them have friends who are similar ages who are good influences on my impressionable young boys. Please help Gary and me to have friends too...

Our house is on the property of a private high school where my husband is the assistant boys' dean. There are literally acres between the school and church properties and not including the main campus where the boys can play. Our house is on the hill where I can peek out the window and see most of their play places which include a huge parking lot (empty except for weekends) for riding bikes and scooters, a playhouse in the yard, a garden area, a basketball quart and a big hill for a backyard. At the bottom of the hill is the backyard of another school family, with their sandbox and swing set. And their four children, ages 8, 6, 4 and 1. Can you believe it? There are several other families connected to the church and school as well. God is so good!

Anyway, this was supposed to be all about our guest room. So, let's get this train back on track. 

If you've been around Beauty4Ashes for awhile or if you've been to my house in real life, you'll recognize most of the things in this guest room from our home in Iowa. Most big items were in our third son's nursery.

 The craft supplies in jars were from my craft closet in Iowa.

This was Josiah's changing table. I'm collecting frames for a collage wall.

This highboy was _this close_ to ending up as kindling. So glad I rescued it! It now is full of scrapbook supplies and lots of other art things. 

The only thing I bought for this room was the comforter and green pillow shams. Yay for using what you've got!

Now because it's fun, let's see the same little whirl around the room but with BEFORE pictures! To be fair, the before pics were taken with my cell phone and completely unedited. The afters were taken with a nice camera and some tweaks with good old PicMonkey. Here we go!


Wasn't that fun?! Hopefully, a welcoming, relaxing space for our guests.

Also hopefully, I'm getting back in the swing of blogging! Can't wait to catch up with you!


  1. Nice to see you back. And with plenty of good news, too. Yay! Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Thanks, Ginger! It's been good to be here. And good to see you on FB sometimes too. Thanks for always being supportive of my blog!

  2. Looks great! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day :)
