
Monday, March 25, 2013

Chalkboard Walls {Inspiration Files}

Is it just me or are chalkboard walls so cool? I love them!

Chalkboard walls can be so dramatic and playful at the same time. You all know I like and use black in my decor--nothing anchors the space like a striking piece of black furniture. Black can also be a unifier for a collection of mismatched furniture (like in my home), so why not use that idea and apply it to an accent wall? Literally!

I had the pleasure chore of perusing Pinterest to expand my collection of chalkboard walls for your visual delight. There are several ideas that I want in my future home but I can make no promises that it will actually happen as we're renting for the next year and a half. We'll see!


Dining Rooms:


Kid Spaces:



Around the House:

So there you go! I had to stop looking at Pinterest or this post would have gone on forever! Do you have a chalkboard wall in your home? Where?

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