
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Stars and Strips Shared Bedroom {31 Days of Moodboards}

Does anyone think this moodboard looks strangely familiar? Well, like anyone, I'm motivated most by things close to me, and I drew inspiration from my boys' bedroom at our home in Iowa. 

This moodboard, though, has lots of different elements from their real room, some of which I might be able to do in our next house. We'll see! 

Here's the breakdown:

-Natural wood: bunkbeds, shelving, a focal wall and even toys!
-Stripes! Rugs, curtains and pillows--even a flag--are all striped.
-Colors! Each boy would have his own color with the rug, pillows and his dresser all being "his" color. In this case I chose navy, lime and red. Orange would look great instead of red.
-Maps: Globes can be collected and used in the space, as well as maps on the walls. I included star maps for fun, with a few other stars included, such as the star shaped light fixture.
-Blues: The maps on the wall have plenty of blue, so a light gray-blue wouldn't compete with the fun colors and would read as a neutral. (I used kelly green in the real room and it was too much! Learn from me!) My boys also have denim patchwork quilts (made by my mother-in-law!) and I love how neutral they seem. By the way, each one is backed with a store-bought fleece blanket in a different color so each boy knows whose is whose. 

I had so much fun creating this moodboard with ideas of what I would do differently next time. There are lots of DIY projects, big and small, depending on what you would want to tackle. My husband built my boys' beds and I painted their inexpensive dressers. Other projects include paint, building the focal wall and hanging maps, curtains and light fixtures. 

Thanks for stopping by on the second day of my 31 Days of Interior Design Moodboards series! I've added a new tab at the top of my page for moodboards so you don't miss any. You can also submit ideas or problem areas in your own home. Thanks for reading along!


1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous mood board! And I love the boys old room with all those maps on the wall!
