
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our Adventure: California

At last!!! Que Diana Ross...

3000 miles. 9 states. 10 days in the car. 8 motels. Countless meals on the go.

These little guys are troopers! They loved the view from our 9th-storey room while Mommy and Daddy packed up the suitcases for the last time.

Then they hauled the luggage to the car. By themselves. (Yeah, right!)

After a quick breakfast at Denny's we were on the road for the last leg of our journey--and a short on at that! Only 90 miles!

We headed toward the mountains

and just like that BAM -- we were in California and I missed the sign! Rude!

I googled the image and it looks like this. I plan to go visit my cousins in Reno, so I'll have to pay more attention then.

We climbed and climbed, passing this river and loving the pines!

Since I bragged about skiing in Utah, I'll brag about skiing at Tahoe too. One winter semester in college I even took skiing for PE! Best PE class ever!

I 80 doesn't go this close to Lake Tahoe, but since my husband (and kiddos) had never seen it, we took a little detour and caught some pictures out the window.

Lake Tahoe always amazes me in that it's so blue!

Oh to have a cabin right. here. Only not, because we were on the road and it was full of traffic and there were lots of houses. I was really surprised at how crowded the whole little drive by the lake was on a random Thursday.


Anyway, we felt like we needed to get to our destination, our kids were antsy and we were road weary, and the traffic was annoying! 

We made our way back to I 80 and drove the last hour to Auburn. There was road construction on some of the passes and I. thought. we. would. die. After all of those miles, all of the days in the car, only to die in a collision mere miles from our final destination! They had the shoulder closed and the lanes really really impossibly narrow while we're winding our way up the pass with truckers and regular joes with trailers and the back wheels kept coming over the line into our lane and I was sitting on my hands with my eyes tight shut praying just as hard as I could.

True story. It was awful.

Oh yeah, we lived.

And then it was over. We were there. Here. 

And this fine building is our home for the next four months. Muuuuuuch more on that next time!

So there you have it! Our cross-country trip in a series of little nutshells.

Next time: More about our housing, my husband's schooling and how the kids and I are adjusting! Stay tuned!


  1. Welcome to California!!! :)

    Wow, your boys sure are troopers!! You all are to have traveled so far! Do post soon as to what that building could be!! :)

    Good night!! :)

  2. Oh- Ellie- You are ALL troopers. I am so glad that you arrived safe and sound. What an adventure. I love it that the boys did such a good job traveling. I hope the housing is promising inside-can't wait to see it- xo Diana

  3. Hi dear Ellie. So glad you all arrived safe. I missed your last post, so I was worried. I loved to follow your trip and look forward for your next post.

    Hugs from me.

  4. Thanks so much for the journey, sure was fun. Anxious to hear more about your activities, and living quarters and how your husband likes his classes.

  5. I'm running so behind. Your new home looks cozy, and the area of California you are in looks gorgeous... and the blackberries... Yu-um. Ours are starting to get ripe... The time when you think there is a ripe one or two, and even though they look plump and juicy, sweet they are NOT.

    Thanks for showing me Lake Tahoe. Hubby wanted to go there for our honeymoon, but the dreaded practicality took over and we stayed closer to home, and we haven't made it yet!
