
Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Garden with a View

We've been in California for a week now and thing are going well. My husband is enjoying his classes, we've met and started friendships with many caring, genuine people, and we've almost gotten settled. We're still waiting for dressers though, so I can finish unpacking the boys' clothes! I have before pictures of our temporary home here--this program that my husband is in only lasts until mid December. But I'd really like to post the pictures of how everything looks once we've unpacked and figured things out so the 'before' pictures don't scare you! Trust me, I was scared!

I've been trying to walk every morning. I'm not quite at the 'every' part, but I'm getting out there! I need that time alone, not to mention the exercise.

Last Saturday afternoon we took a hike with my husband's class. We showed up with our little guy in a regular stroller--not a jogger--and our 3- and 5-year-old in tow. There was a little tour of the campus and then we went on some dirt trails... and kept going and going and going! We ended up with Jared and Jonathan on someone's shoulders and a couple men carrying the stroller (complete with a sleeping Josiah) up the last steep hills. We were so exhausted! We probably hiked 5 miles. 

Anyway, before the hike got hard and twice more this week, I've hiked up the hill past the schools certified organic farm. Um, beautiful! The garden has the best view on campus!

You should see it at sunrise! Wait, you can't... unless I get my butt out of bed and get up there.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I am glad you are settling in, Ellie. I am so happy that it seems to be going so nicely for you. Hang in there- I hope you can get really connected there in the upcoming weeks- xo Diana

  2. Hi Ellie. I`m so glad to hear that everything goes well for you all.

    Hugs and love
