
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Boys' Closet

Since the building of the bunkbeds, my boys are now roommates. (Read about that in Part 1 and Part 2.) We wanted to make the transition a couple months before Baby 3 arrives in mid May. The boys love being in the same room--a little too much! Nap time and bed time have taken a lot longer than they did before. It took J2 several nights of sleeping in the new bed before he slept through the night too. Oh well, making the transition later when there's also a new baby to adjust to would be even harder! 

The boys each have a nice, bright dresser in the room they share. We have been blessed with so many sources for clothing that I never buy them anything and their drawers are overflowing! 

Nevermind the decorations--they move and change and evolve. Right now we have a changing pad on top of the red dresser and a radio for quiet time music on the yellow dresser. The hamper has been moved and replaced with a diaper genie. Check back next week and it will have changed again, I'm sure!

The challenge in the room during this transition was making room for J2 in the closet. Are you ready for something scary? Here goes!

See the bins on the bottom? Proof that I started out well! I guess I've just been junking everything else on top. Oh dear... And yes, those are baby clothes on the bottom. No idea why they weren't downstairs in storage!

This side isn't so bad. I used the shelf to give J1's tractors somewhere to park. Do you ever feel like the toys are taking over?! Yeah...

A few hours later, side 1 looked like this. I pulled another shelf from the nursery closet (I have plans for that closet!!!) which gave me a place to put extra sheets, stuffed animals, and diapers. I went through all of the hanging clothes and J2's button-downs, jackets and shoes are on this side. Above on the closet shelf is a plain box (I might get another plastic bin) for clothes that are too small. 

Side 2 is looking better too! J1's current button-downs and jackets hang on the rod, his trucks and tractors are parked on the shelf, and you can just see the dirty clothes bin peeking out from the middle. On the shelf above are two clear bins: one each for summer and winter clothes that are still too big. 

Here is the 'summer' bin. It has shorts, sandals and t-shirts in two different sizes, but I know that's the bin I'll need to go through in a couple months.

Here is the 'winter' bin. I'm putting J1's things in it as he grows out of them so they are ready for J2 when cold weather comes again. There are a few pieces in it that are currently too big for J1, but most things that are too big for him are in another bin in the storage area of our basement.

So there you have it! The boys are organized and clean... Now I just need to decide on a paint color! We're leaving the new beds plain pine, a little rough and bare, but we like it. I'm thinking of pulling some blues out of the bedspreads (post on them coming soon!) but I don't want to be too 'baby blue'. Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? 


  1. Wow, their closet is pretty amazing, nice job! Ours could use some work and I hear ya on the toys, I think they multiply while we sleep!

    Take care :)

  2. Nice job! Their closet looks terrific! It can be so hard keeping up with the weeding out, with the kids growing so fast. Thanks for sharing.

  3. You've helped motivate me from plan to actual action...I mentioned you and this post on my blog today.

  4. It's definitely time I get real with my boys closet! These are dreamy:)

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