
Monday, March 21, 2011

Bunkbeds (Part 2)

Last Sunday, we headed to town to get bunkbed supplies as I mentioned in Part 1. After work on Monday, my handyman built the loft bed!

Following Ana White's loft bed plan, G did most of the assembly outside.

Then he brought it into J's room and finished setting it up.

The plans are awesome and the bed is sturdy!

J was so very excited to be up there!

Yes, it has rails; these pictures were taken while Daddy was outside building the rails and ladder.

I'll let you know, J isn't fearless. Just a few weeks ago he went on strike against the basement stairs and would not go down them because he was afraid he would fall. I was worried that he'd be a little scared of his new bunkbed's height and the stair he had to climb.

But no! I could barely catch him in the act with the camera! He's has no problem with the stairs at all, either up or down!

Neither has little brother. Well, it took him a few days to figure out the stairs and his crawling back down freaks ME out, but he's got the hang of them too!

A few days after my husband built the fort bed, he adapted the plans for short legs and built J2's bed. It's free-standing and exactly the same as the upper bed, down to the side rail. J2 is 22 months old and is just transitioning out of a crib, so we wanted him to be secure. The rail can easily be removed when he's a little bigger.

The boys LOVE their new beds! They play on them a lot and seem to enjoy sharing a room. Nap time and bed time are a bit more challenging, but we're getting there! 

The only thing I don't like about the beds is making them. How do you deal with the sheets and blankets and tucking in? Any hints?


  1. Making bunk beds is a pain. I would recommend going the European route: put on a bottom fitted sheet, and then use a covered duvet quilt for the top, so you don't have to mess with sheets and blankets. Duvets are perfect because they match your body temperature nicely. I rarely feel too warm under them in the winter, and in the summer I just take the duvet out and store it and use the cover of it as a top sheet.

    For what it's worth...

  2. P.S. If feather duvets are too expensive, you can just sew a duvet cover for a cut-down blanket and achieve something similar. Or make a quilt that serves as an all-in-one blanket. But it's not guaranteed to be warm enough...

  3. I love them!

    We had bunk beds as kids (my sister and I) and I hated making them, too. I'd probably go with a fitted sheet and maybe just a blanket/comforter folded at the end or something like that.

  4. Nice job on the bunk beds!! My boys have twin over full bunk beds. I despise making the twin on top. My son gets extra hot when sleeping so we just use the fitted sheet on bottom and the top sheet, not tucked it. It doesn't look beautiful but it's so high up no one can see. Not even me.
