
Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Reveal

This isn't your typical reveal.

but it's an exciting time for our family

and I would like to share.

If only these little cuties would hold still long enough for a good picture!

Or at least long enough that you can read their shirts...

There! Did you catch it?

Big Brothers!

Yes, BOTH boys are wearing Big Bro shirts! 

Baby III is due in May 2011!

I'm not a fan of the 1st Trimester. I get tired very easily, never have enough energy and go to bed between 7:30 and 8. I also have nasty food aversions, and while I've never actually lost my latest meal, I feel as though I could at any given moment! My trigger foods are highly acidic or oily--like tomatoes or my husband's popcorn. Ok. Must change the topic!!!

During pregnancies #1 and #2, these symptoms went away at about week 12. Today is 9 weeks, so my fingers are crossed! In the past the 2nd Trimester has been great and I hope to be so lucky again!

I can't wait to hold our sweet little baby! I just can't believe we're going to be a family of 5!

On the Banks of Squaw Creek


  1. Wow! What great news... Congratulations :)

  2. Yay! So excited for you! Are you going to find out what you're having?

    Funny, citrus fruits always make me feel BETTER! Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Congratulations! What an exciting time.

    I'd rather read it on the little guys' t-shirts than see a bare, preggie tummy.

    Call me old.

    Call me old fashioned.

    Those bare preggie tummy shots curl my toes.

  4. Congratulations! Cute shirts too! Hope the morning sickness lets up too. I loved the 2nd trimester with my first pregnancy too.

  5. Congratulations!!! So exciting!

    I'm expecting # 2 in March! = )

  6. Congradulations! my daughter is due in Dec our first grandchild.
    May your pregancy be worry free and full of enjoyment.

  7. Congratulations!! We're also expecting our third son. He'll be here in about 3 weeks. Thanks for posting about my kitchen. I debated white too, but after priming it white, it was a little too bright for me. haha.
