
Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall at the Park

I'm sure I'm the only mom out there who has one of those days, right? You know, the ones where everyone including yourself is grumpy and bored and frustrated and crying... and it's only 9 AM. 

It's a goal of mine to be more proactive instead of being reactive. So when things got a little touchy last week, my boys and I headed to the park. I'm so glad we did! We all needed the fresh air and exercise, not to mention just to get out of the house!

AND... I remembered my camera! 

Here are some of my favorites. Will you tell me which you think are the best? I'd like to do something with a few of the shots for Christmas gifts, but I'm having trouble choosing!


  1. So cute!! Good for you for going out when things got a little hairy! It looks they had a great time! Love the pile of leaves pic..

  2. You take amazing photos! You don't even need me :-)
