
Monday, February 7, 2011

Junk Decor

Donna from Funky Junk Interiors is amazing. Her blog was one of the first I followed and she has impressed my decorating style in past posts like this one. In my recent post about redecorating the bathroom I showed you a couple junky improvements to the space. 

I couldn't let the chance go by to link-up to Donna's Copy Me Challenge, so here are some details of my favorite junky pieces.

After a brainstorm of mine one sleepless night, I described these shadow boxes to my husband. It didn't take him long to cut up and screw together some authentic barn boards into these junky lovelies!

One holds extra washcloths, the other is for my husband's shaving gear.

I love this knotty detail!

Next up is a sign in my bathroom that I stenciled.

Cut authentic barn board into desired length, stencil on some letters, sand them to show the yummy texture of the board and now you will never get lost in your own home! In case you were wondering what this room with the tub and vanity and toilet was... 

Add a hook and you have back of the door storage!

Another piece of barn board with a Bible verse became a focal point in our living room.

We store firewood in a tin bucket that I found in the barn.

I found this watering can in the barn too, and painted it white. I love keeping flowers in it in the spring!

In true FJI style, I hung a curtain on a hanger to spruce up a corner of the kitchen. You can read about it here.

My husband found this cool old trunk at a flea market. It's now serves as our coffee table.

Last but not least, an FJI inspired mantle. Nevermind it's really the top of a bookcase I keep in the kitchen for extra storage... It has layers of color and junky finds just like Donna would use. The window is from our barn, by the way!

Hope you've enjoyed my homage to Donna and her Funky Junk Style. Keep it coming, Donna! You're an inspiration!

Copy Me Challenge


  1. Your "mantle" is adorable. I love everything you've been able to salvage from you barn! I want a barn!

  2. Ok. I quit. It is officially impossible to deem one winner! Wait... I don't have to do that, MMS does. WHEW! :)

    Those SHADOW BOXES are MINE. ALL MINE. Sorry to yell, but I'm a little excited about them. You know how it is. I love all your other touches so much too! You've done a junkin' fine job! :)


  3. LOVE those shadow boxes. That is some real inspiration for my bathroom or possibly the boys room!

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  5. Replies
    1. I just used a couple of nails, but you could hang those sawtooth hangers on the back of the boxes, then onto nails in the wall.

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