
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Project #walk356 {August}

I'm still walking! In August I walked 52 miles for a total of 315 miles in 2015! I completed my August goal of walking 2 miles a day 6 days a week. On weekdays, going for a walk is the first thing I do. On weekends I walk with my family later in the day and in different places.

You can follow along on Instagram (@gibsongirl726)--or join me in the challenge! I use the hashtags #walk365 and #runwalkhike.

My walks in August were all in Idaho except for one in Montana. I challenge myself to find something new to photograph every day, even though most of my walks are on the same two routes. It helps me not get bored! It also helps me appreciate what a beautiful part of the country I live in!

1. Two miles on Tuesday. It was hot! Glad that's done for the day.
2. Thankful for cooler weather for my 2 miles today.
3. It really is me out there logging the miles! Another 2 today.
4. I was back at my 2 miles today after taking the weekend off. Local fires are making the sky hazy and orange.
5. Bonus hashtag shot.

1. Family selfie from picture #2.
2. My 2 miles today including crossing this swinging bridge at Kootenai Falls, Montana.
3. Today was supposed to be a rest day, but the family and I walked 2 easy miles around City Beach and downtown Sandpoint. We made it feel like a rest day by walking slowly, going through a couple shops and stopping for ice cream!
4. Wildlife of northern Idaho. #moo

1. Got birdhouses? I think this is a great use of an old dead tree.
2. There's this property on my walk that is hidden in the woods. All you can see is a glimpse of the roof and this inviting driveway. I'm so curious!
3. You might just live in the country if...
4. There's a hint of yellow in those trees! They say we're a month away from frost. Since the next tree days are going to be in the upper 90s, fall sounds lovely!

1. We walked 2 miles on a mountain! Glad our kids were noisy to scare away bears!
2. Gratuitous Lake Pend Orielle shot from walk #1.
3. It's hazy today and the air smells like smoke from nearby forest fires.
4. Making tracks with a deer.

1. Oops. This wasn't a walk picture, but it's still pretty. Sunset out my window.
2. Two more miles walked on this smokey day.
3. Saw a cute blonde on my walk today! Also, my next walk will put me over the 300 mile mark!
4. Just keep walking...

1. Gary went for a run so the boys and I hiked up Myrtle Falls, out to a photo blind and scared a flock of geese, and chased frogs by the river. Our 2 miles took the same time as Gary's 7 mile run!
2. I walked earlier today than usual and it was cold! I'd rather be cold than hot and sweaty!
3. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!
4. Sometimes on hazy, smokey days, you have to look up close to find something pretty.

1. Good morning from smokey/hazy northern Idaho!
2. The air even smells like smoke today.
3. We're out camping this weekend at Meadow Creek Campground! The family hiked out on the Overlook Trail and looked down on the river we're camped by. Right after I took this picture we say a bear down there!
4. Yesterday's rain made today's walk fresh and clean and a little chilly. My kind of walking weather! 52 miles in August; 315 miles in 2015! #proudofmyself

My goal for September is the same as August; 2 miles a day 6 days a week. I walk at 6 AM now that my oldest son is in school, so I think the coming time change will help with the light (I won't walk in the dark here--animals and cars!). We should start getting frost and cold weather, so I'm hoping it won't be too bitterly cold by the end of the month. My biggest challenge is that I'm starting September at 27 weeks pregnant so I'll be in the third trimester and starting to slow down. We'll see!

Have you been walking lately?

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