
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Pregnancy #4: 24 Weeks

Hi friends! It's been a hot, busy week here in Northern Idaho, but I thought I'd take a few minutes to update you on my pregnancy with Baby #4.

I started a photo project at 20 weeks when I felt I was finally looking pregnant and not just fat! I've been posting weekly on Instagram (gibsongirl726) if you want to follow me there.

It's nice to be mostly unpacked and settled after the crazy months of May and June. I have a regular doctor and a baby doctor and they're working together to keep me super healthy. I've been taking meds for my thyroid and eating a lower-carb diet and I feel great! My energy is up, my moods are fairly consistent and I'm optimistic about the last half of this pregnancy.

If you're following my #walk365 posts, you know that I'm walking 2 miles a day at least 6 times a week! I'm committed to doing this until 30 weeks, then I'll reassess based on how I feel and crazy things like the changing weather. I will keep walking, but I might back down on the mileage.

I still can't believe we're having a girl! A friend of a friend gave us two huge bags of girl clothes and it was so much fun unpacking them into what will be the baby's room. Since we're renting I can't change anything about the room, but I've got a simple plan that's coming together and I'm excited!

The second trimester is always good to me. I feel strong and don't hate the way I look! I'm glad the days of summer are numbered though, and am looking forward to cooler weather in a big way. Baby girl is active and I'm feeling lots of movement, though she seems to quiet down as soon as Gary tries to feel a kick!

Thanks for reading!

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