
Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Walk with Grandma {Day 16}

My Mom was here long enough that we enjoyed some downtime, along with our trips to the zoo and the children's museum and the park. This was one of those days that we stayed home, enjoying each other's company doing chores around the house, staying warm inside while it was rainy and cold out.

But by the middle of the afternoon we all needed to get out! We took a walk to the nearby lake, bundled up in hats and sweatshirts.

The fresh air and exercise always helps our attitudes! It was good to be outside and enjoy the first tastes of fall--this was in mid September.

Our little lake is really full and has been over its banks several times this summer. Wish we could send some of our extra rain to our friends in the West!

Mom was here for 10 days and during that time saw weather over 90, rain, and this day where the high was about 50! That's fall for you.

Do you like to take walks?

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