
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fall Display {DIY Art}

I'm kind of hate that we don't have a crib in the house any more. I'm not quite ready to admit that we're out of the baby stage, though I do love sleeping through the night!

We do, however, still have crib springs. It's another kind of architectural art, or unusual things to hang on the wall, or junk or salvage or whatever you wanna call it! I like how it takes up quite a bit of room on the wall but it's not dark or heavy or over-powering.

It's also super easy to change the display! For fall, I made a little burlap banner with, well, burlap... and twine and hot glue. Super simple, super quick! I stuck a few leaves in my grapevine wreath and used mini clothespins to hang pictures of my boys looking cute this fall. We've had a really pretty fall and the boys love romping in the leaves and posing themselves with pumpkins (true story!).

For the last couple of months, I've used the crib springs and wreath as a birthday display. Gary's birthday is in September, mine is in October, so I hung a birthday banner, stuck some little pinwheels in the wreath and displayed our birthday cards with mini clothes pins.

We went to an orchard a couple weeks ago and had such a nice day with some new friends! Lincoln has been very good to us in the friend department! We bought a few pounds of apples and since our little dining nook is crowded is petite, our table is pushed up against the wall. I used that side of the table that no one can reach to display our Sabbath candles (from our wedding) and our Jonathans and Yellow Delicious apples from the orchard. And some leaves from the backyard.

The moral of the story is that if you have something big and interesting, hang it on a wall! I mean, use what you have to create a unique fall display.

Who needs a mantle when you can use a wall in your kitchen and the kitchen table?

And boy, did those Jonathans ever make good apple crisp!

This is a somewhat belated Day 25 of my 31-Day series! October may be over, but I'm determined to make good on my 31-Day promise!

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