
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Family Rules Sign {DIY Art}

Family Rules signs and subway art abound on the internet. This idea is somewhat modified, but it is another example of working with what you have to create a look.

This sign was made using what I had: an old cork board, spray paint and letter stickers. First I spray painted the whole board white. Then I carefully spelled out the "rules" which is my translation of the 10 Commandments simplified, using stickers. I then spray painted everything black. After waiting a day for the paint to dry, I peeled off the stickers. There is some underspray, but I can live with that.

In our current house, this sign is a little bit hidden up on top of the computer cabinet in our living room. Can you find it?

It's a little more obvious in person, and it's a great reminder.

In our last home, the sign was more prominently hung above my sewing corner in our dining room.

In the house before that, it moved around a couple times, but finally found a home in collage wall in the hall.

This is Day 3 of my 31 Days of Art for Your Home series!

Have you made any art lately?


  1. I like this one, too. I've meant to make my own family rules sign for ages. Maybe I should finally get to it. :)
    Rebekah Somewhere in the Middle

  2. I love how specific your Family Rules are! And the home-made aspect to it just makes it all the more sentimental. This is a great series- can't wait to see what you have next!
