
Thursday, June 13, 2013


Who loves Pinterest? I do! I do!

I wanted to try something, kindof a for-the-record type post about pins I've actually tried. Some I love and continue to use, others fuel the creative fires, and still others are ... not what I was looking for. Or I failed at the execution of the directions. Whatever.

I did this artsy craft right after Josiah was born. I used shades of blue scrapbook paper and it's been on display ever since. Love it!

I got out all the supplies to do this name craft with my boys. Then I started taping. You know how hard it is to spell JONATHAN with tape? yeah, I quit and just let them paint!

I don't have different quiet time bins, but I've started giving my two older boys a certain toy for their rest time. Lately Jared has been happy playing with a bag of marbles while Jonathan is learning to follow the instruction booklet with his Legos. It keeps them happy and quiet which makes Mommy happy too!

This is Miss Mustard Seed's kitchen with a chalkboard wall. Did it. Love it. Recommend it.

If you read Friday's Instagram post, you saw that I made shorts for my boys using this technique. They hadn't outgrown the jeans but they all had holes in the knees. It worked great! I also used the same technique to shorten a pair of jeans for myself. I think I like it--at least the jeans are wearable, but I've had some issues with fraying and with the hem folding up. Hopefully a good wash or two will fix that.

This one. Oh dear. Not sure if it was me or if this is the worst idea in the history of ever. I kinda ruined my muffin tin! I mean, I soaked it for a couple days, scrubbing one little hole at a time... Baked egg is like concrete. Use lots of oil spray and don't overcook your eggs! Unless you're cooking for a crowd, just fry the eggs in a skillet. You can fit like 3 at a time! These eggs cook for 20 minutes, then you have to scrub the tin for three days. How does that save you time?

I love this soup! I've made it at least six times and each time it's perfection! You have to use the mindset that coconut oil (from the milk) is good for you and only eat this sometimes, but MAN is it good! I've tried both green and red curry paste and both are amazing. Try it!

Ok, so this girl is totally a hottie and is posed all fancy-pants, but she gives a clear reason why not to use shampoo and what to do instead. Broken down, examples, variations, etc. Well done. I'm on day 4, determined to see it through at least two weeks. The jury is still out on whether "no-poo" is right for me. Have you tried it?

Speaking of natural remedies, Wellness Mama is the motherload of DIY, natural, homemade everything. I tried her oil cleansing and while my skin was nice, my hair got oil in it. Now I use a mix of baking soda and coconut oil with a drop of peppermint essential oil to scrub my face. I love it!!! It's the perfect consistency and my face is so happy! I add a tiny dab more coconut oil to my face after my shower, especially around my eyes. It takes some getting used to adding oil to your face, but my face is clearer and than it's been in a long time. Coconut oil is also great for removing make-up.

And now to leave you in the gutter... I mean, toilet... I tried cleaning toilets this way. It helps. A lot. I still had to scrub, but some of that might have been residual from before we lived here. #shudder 

What have you learned from Pinterest? Any awesome ideas? Any funny failure stories?


  1. What a great idea to gather all of those pins and write down how they worked out for you! Definitely something to get an idea of how useful Pinterest has been for me!

  2. It's always fun to see what works and what doesn't. I read a really funny blog devoted to the subject--Pintester. I love Pinterest!
