
Friday, February 22, 2013

Insta-Friday! Reunited

I've only been a smart-phone owner since October, but MAN do you get used to them! I know this because something went wrong with mine and I had to send it in for a replacement. It was all done for free and I'm happy to be on the other side of it. Nine days is a long time to have to be smart on my own!
Anyway, let's get to the Instagram pictures for this week!

Josiah, what's in your mouth? #sunningwithatoddler
Oh, it was dog food btw. #grody
My Valentine flowers are still going strong! #lovemyman

My lunch is yummier than your lunch. #fauxlafelswithtahini #cucumbersalad #grilledzucchini

Story time with my oldest. #littlehouseinthebigwoods #lovethisboy

Zucchini egg nests

Ice-covered sleet. No lunch out with a friend for me. #plansspoiledbyweather #feelingtrapped

It's a Sound of Music-watching kind of day! #Julieandrews #afewofmyfavoritethings #soundofmusic

Little bird-watcher.

Making faces with my baby. #lovethisboy

Here's what I learned about myself from these pictures: I spend a lot of time with Josiah. I record the mundane (food, movies) but fail to mention the life-changing things like we have a job and are moving to Ohio in a couple weeks!!! And we had an interview with our missionary training center people and they declared us "normal" and "balanced" and there are no red lights on our psychological assessment.

So there. No big deal!

What have you been posting on Instagram lately? I'd love to follow you!

1 comment:

  1. Your little guy is handsome. And the zucchini and egg nests look yummy!
    Stopping by from Life Rearranged. :)

    --Lissa @ My Southern-Fried Christian Life
