
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Confessions, Hair and a Vote

I've been sitting here for the longest time with pictures loaded and thought swirling in my head, struggling with where to begin. I have my heart in my throat fearing that you all will reject me because of what I'm going to say. I struggle with perfectionist tenancies and fear that I project myself as I want to be rather than I truly am on this dear blog of mine.  

Family picture May 2011

I'm not. Not even close. I'm the first one to admit that, and if you came to my house or met me in person, I know you would see a new side of me. One that isn't perfect and hopefully because of that is a lot more fun and realistic and approachable. Right? 

Family picture July 2011
I didn't want to have to talk about this yet. I don't feel like I'm ready, but I need a haircut! Yes, this all stems from needing a haircut!!!

J2 and me, Christmas 2009
The cute, smiling blonde in my profile picture really is me. Or was. Before getting married, having three kids and becoming a stay-at-home mom. As you can see from the family pictures above, I've stopped getting highlights in my hair so it's quite brunette now. It's also super long--as in middle of my back.

But here's the confession ... staying home + three babies + thyroid problems + a million other excuses = extra weigh. Ugh. While I'm only showing you a head shot, you can see my chubby cheeks and extra chin.

Please don't de-friend me or stop following my blog! Oh, what a negative self-image I have right now! Do I have to publish this post? Whose idea was this anyway?

So. There's the confession.

Here's the thing: I need a hair cut! My husband mentioned the other day that my hair had gotten so long that I should donate it to Locks of Love. I haven't looked into the details, but it got me thinking of some of my favorite hair cuts in the past.

The first is a reverse bob. I love the angled layers and this has been a flattering cut on me before.

Of course my examples are with super-skinny people--why is that?!

I love the chin-length bob on Kiera but it's really short and has no bangs.

Blogger Kate (above) has longer layers and bangs which means she might be able to wear her hair back or in a pony tail which I really like to be able to do. Kate also has really thick hair--which I don't.

Nicole has fine hair like me and keeps it simple with a shoulder-length cut and side-swept bangs. Very simple and cute, but also on a super-tiny girl!

Jennifer has inspired haircuts for years now, hasn't she? I like her simple shoulder length hair with highlights.

Carrie has long hair like me, but with pretty layers and side-swept bangs. I could easily get a few layers cut and still wear a ponytail.

Miley has her hair super straight here, which is how my hair is too. Very versatile and would look great with bangs or without.

So there you have it! Six ideas, three basic cuts... What should I do?

Kiera, Rachel, Miley, Kate, Nicole or Carrie? If only my stylist could trim off a few pounds too!

Who has inspired your hair styles lately? Do you have a favorite face-slimming cut?


  1. Oh- Ellie- I love you no matter what your weight is. I have gone up and down for years and I know your pain. I think any of those cuts would be cute on you. Most of the time when I was heavier than I am now I wore my hair just shoulder (or below) lenght with long bangs. I then pulled both side pieces back and clipped it with a barrette on the back crown of my head and let my hair hang down from there. I always felt like it slimmed my face.

    I had 4 kids and the last three were born over a 4 year period...and I stayed at home and had no car part of the time. I SOOOO get it.

    You do whatever makes you feel good about yourself- you are just darling no matter WHAT you do! Love to you, sweet girl- xo Diana

  2. You are so cute!!! Blonde, brunette, skinny-mini or not....YOU are why I read your blog!! :)

    And, beyond that, I totally get it!!! Guess who walked into Weight Watcher's _yesterday_???? Yup, me!!! So, on that note, I get it!! :)

    I think all of those hair cuts are great!! I've long been a fan of the Jennifer Aniston style, but that's probably cuz my hair will actually do that!!

    I love haircuts!! I rarely get them but they always lift my spirits. I can't wait to see the new do!! :)

  3. Gorgeous family shots. I think you look beautiful anyway :)

    I do like Nicole Ritchies hair, mine is waaaaaay to thick to pull it off. Get it too short and it looks like a straight afro!

  4. You're adorable, and I love the natural brunette color.

    I like the shorter style, but you want to pull it back.. Maybe get it cut and it'll have 'room to grow,' if you're like me and let haircuts grow out too long. I think just barely tickling your shoulders would be a nice length, but with only light layering so you won't go crazy when you want to ponytail it. Maybe some whispy bangs to the side... So something between Jennifer and Nicole. Kate's is TOO big! ;-)

    PS I think maybe your Miley pic is Hilary Duff...

  5. Ellie, you made me a bit nervous until I read down further!!! :) NOOOO biggie!!! who cares---most of us moms have put on some weight after a few kids!!! Yours are still very young!!! you look beautiful and have the shiniest hair I have ever seen. It is like a pantene shampoo commercial, but no 'special' effect lighting! just the real thing!! it would look great in any cut. I like the nicole or carrie best. But locks of love is a great thing and anyone would be happy to get your shiney and healthy hair!

  6. Even though I'm considerably older, I get it! My weight is like a "yo-yo," and I don't even have a good excuse like babies -- I'm a gramma for crying out loud! As for hair, I wish we (women in general) weren't so defined by our hair, but most of us are. My hair is thin & fine, so I'm going for the reversed-bob look. My face shape is oval, but this cut does make my face look thinner. This is the first time I've tried growing my hair out in many years, & right now it's a whole lot more work than having it short like I used to have it. I have gotten lots of advice from Kate's blog & love her hair, but mine is so super-thin compared to hers. Jennifer's cut is really cute, & I could see that on you with your dark hair. Your hair is beautiful -- so shiny and healthy-looking. I think you'll just decide one of these days what you want to do & it will be the right choice for you. But I also think you need to cut yourself some slack & stop beating yourself up. You're darling and have a sweet, sweet family that you love and who loves you back. But please do let us know what you decide to do.

  7. I'd go for the short angled bob (the first photo) as it looks the easiest to care for. I have straight thin hair and that is how I wear mine - although I have bangs as well since I'm over 50 and think it hides some of the forehead wrinkles.

    I think you look sweet just as you are. You need to go easy on yourself - I remember those days with young children and they are a lot of work. It will get easier to spend the time on yourself as they get older. I've only started going to exercise classes in the past few years as I no longer have the responsibility of younguns at home.
