
Thursday, February 16, 2012

This Week in a Nutshell

I lost my blogging mojo for a few days. Does that ever happen to you other bloggers? I felt like I could never FINISH a project, so while I have tons of in-process shots, nothing was getting crossed off the list. 

Hall paint job? It's getting there. Need to touch up the trim around the doors, add another coat of paint to the doors, find the hardware and hang the 2nd set of closet doors, then touch them up too. I also want to hang another gallery wall--but it seems the only time I have to work on that is when a little guy is sleeping and his room is on the other side of said wall, so there's no way I'm banging a hammer right by his ear! 

But the part that is done? LOVE!

I completely missed the boat for Valentine's Day. I guess if you've been around for awhile, you might have noticed I don't get all excited about holidays other than Thanksgiving and Christmas. I don't have a mantle, but if I did, I can't imagine changing it every month or so. Just not my style. 

Anyway, my husband and I weren't planning to do anything for Valentine's Day, but our water shut off and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise! On Monday evening as I was beginning to clean up supper, I turned on the faucet and nothing happened! Mr. Fix-it went to the well to check if he could find what was the matter, but it was dark and he couldn't see anything the matter. We lived without running water that night, but instead of going to work my husband called the local hardware store and they sent someone out to look at the problem. 

But then our water came back on.

Before the guy even showed up!

Still no clue what happened--when he did come he couldn't find anything wrong. Weird.

BUT that meant it was approaching noon and my Valentine hadn't gone to work, so we decided to have a family town day! We did some grocery shopping all together, ate a delicious Mediterranean lunch, and I called a friend who had just mentioned at church last week how she and her teenage girls would love to watch the boys for us. Well, I took them up on it, and my husband and I got four hours of each others' time! Uninterrupted! No diapers either!

Want to know about our date? 

Good! Cuz, I'm sharing!

We went to the dollar store with $10 each to spend on the other. It was so funny to try to sneak things into my basket and walk around the store looking for little goodies, all the while trying to stay away from my husband who was shopping at the same time! 

It was great! We even ended up with some pretty nifty little gadgets. 

Then we went to a Thai place and, well, YUM!

In other news about how wonderful my Sweetheart is,  I started walking again recently! My husband gets home at 5 and it's still light then, and it's not too cold now that it's February. I get supper going and he makes a salad and sets the table while I'm out for about 40 minutes. It's amazing what a little alone time and exercise can do for the soul! Tonight I took my camera and made a little collage (oh, Picnik, how could you?!!!) of unedited shots as a sneak peak. I believe this kind of beauty deserves its own post next week!

I was able to finish up an ugly hangnail huge project in our bedroom today and have that all ready to go tomorrow. It means that this room is completely finished! Unfortunately while trying to simultaneously live and breathe and manage a house full of boys refinish our room, the boys' room and the hall, I let stacks develop in my room. It's mostly paint supplies and homeless office supplies that need an afternoon of organizing. Then I can take pictures, blog about it, and cross it off the list!!! 

One last thing before you go, our youngest is 9 months old today! How time flies!

This little guy is crawling everywhere and standing on everything. This picture was right before his nap time, hence the binky and sleepy eyes, but he is usually cheerful and just delighted to see his mommy or daddy or brothers. Jojo, we're so glad you're part of our family!

1 comment:

  1. THe paint job looks great, and your unexpected Valentine's Day sounds especially nice.

    9 months?! How'd that happen?! Even other peoples' kids grow up too fast.
