
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Barns of Benton County: Aged to Patriotic Perfection

Today's barn takes us back in time to the civil war, where battles were fought and lives lost while freedom was won. 

Just kidding, I have no idea. It's the barn at the end of our road and belongs to a working farm. I had fun with picnik to make the photo look old. I love the flag in front of the barn, how it is the only colorful thing in the picture. 

Take some time for barn-spotting today! I'll be sorting boxes in my basement. UGH!


  1. I love the photo. It`s something with old barns.

    Hugs Bente

  2. lol. You are too funny. have you seen teh "barn Charm" linky?

  3. you have an excellent sense of humor. you had me going ... i thought it was going to be a great & details story. ha. ha!! (:

  4. I love what you done with it, but as usual wish I could see the before picture...if even just a small one.

  5. Hey girl, I believe you snuck in TWO barn charm posts this week - - - and both of them beauties.

  6. Nice editing. Love the pop of the flag in the photo.

  7. Ya had me goin w/ the Civil War talk... I was ready to read about some cool story about a treasure found inside! LoL! Ya got me! LoL!

    Looks like a cool, spooky old barn w/ haunted stories to be told! =0

    Thanks for joining =)

  8. I like this photo and barn. Good job. Pamela
