
Friday, January 27, 2012

365 Calendar Journal

The last few days of January isn't too late to start a new tradition, right? You know those perpetual calendars you've seen on Pinterest? The ones that you use 365 3x5 cards and jot a note about what you did each day and add to it every year and end up with a run-on sentence really cool memory journal thing in a few years?

Yeah that.

Now imagine an ugly recipe box for $2 that jumped out at me at Goodwill. Raw wood, country style painted checks and RECIPES written on the top. It might be easier to imagine if I had a picture, but I can't find it. 

Here's what it looks like now:

I sanded some and stained it 'special walnut' and mod podged scrapbook paper to the top and sides. 

I made little dividers out of more scrap book paper and stamped the months on top. Let me tell you, it's so wonderful to have easy access to my craft supplies in my new craft closet! Love it!

I assembled all of the pretty dividers in my box.

I have some catching up to do, but I figured if some days stay blank, that's ok. 

I used my new Cricut to cut out some letters for the top, then gave it a heavy coat of mod podge to seal it all in. 

For now this little sweetheart of a box sits on my kitchen counter, but real estate is at a premium in my kitchen and it might need to move to my bedside table or even in my craft closet. We'll see. 

Ugly recipe box at Goodwill: $2
Time spent on the makeover: 1 afternoon
A place to jot down family memories: PRICELESS.

Have you created something lately?

Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. What a cute idea. I remember seeing those 1970s/80s recipe boxes all over the place while thrifting. What a good use for one! Love it- xo Diana

  2. This is so cute! i started something similar but its in a nasty plastic recipe box...i think i'd be more faithful to it if i was excited to look at it! ;) good work!

  3. ANY idea that helps keep track of family memories is a great one. This one's BEAUTIFUL and easy to keep handy, too, so maybe it's something I could actually keep up with it. I've always intended to print out emails I send my mom, because that is a good record of goings-on in our lives, but I got behind years ago, and now just have email folders full of hundreds of messages.

    Love the dividers!
