
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10 on 10 Challenge-January

My sweetheart must get tired of me starting sentences with the phrase, "One of the blogs I follow..." and launching in to a tale about someone's mudroom or kitchen or organizational strategy or headboard or collage wall. Especially when I have never met these people in person and some I've never even had a comment exchange. Does that happen to you?


Oh. Well...

So, one of the blogs I follow inspires me to learn more about my camera, take better pictures and document them better. Especially in regard to my kidletts. 

Carly writes the blog The Simple Things, and it really is simple and beautiful. I just love her house. This year she is hosting a 10 on 10 Challenge where we share 10 pictures from the 10th day of the month, just real life snap shots.

We've had abnormally (but very welcome) warm weather this winter. I've been able to take the boys to the park twice in the last week--unheard of for January!  

 My guys are 2 1/2 and 4 1/2. They thought they were pretty cool climbing all the way to the top of this 4-ft. rock. Hot stuff, I tell ya!


J1 gets so goofy when I ask him to smile. This look is one he gives often, when he's being silly. And squinting. And talking.

I'm pretty sure J2 was telling me how he wanted to get down. Silly kids get tired of having the camera in their faces, especially when they're stuck somewhere. Ha!

My kids love squirrels for some reason. They're always chasing them at parks.

They spent quite a bit of time doing this, trying to coax the squirrel to come down so they could chase it again. Riiiight!

J3 was busy sleeping while we were at the park, but I got some pictures of him later when he was making eyes at me.

Baby is almost 8 months old! How time flies!

So there you go! I hope you enjoyed my 10 on 10! I encourage you to hop over to The Simple Things and see the other pictures linked up there. Or join in! 


  1. Ellie I just love all the moments you captured throughout your lovely day! Thanks so much for participating!

  2. Those are great pics! Your boys are so adorable! I have those conversations with my husband too... Yeah, he loves those.

  3. Hi Ellie! Great pics! My hubby has gotten to the point where he rolls his eyes when I mention "one of the bogs I follow" so I'm right there with you! If it's anything DIY-related, he always asks if I saw it "on that one blog you always talk about" (aka YHL).

  4. Love the pictures of your boys, they are adorable :)

  5. Ellie- How cute and what a fun challenge. Just think of all you will have to look back on after a year of doing this.

    I do the same thing- start telling MyHero about something on someone's blog...He is kind of an uh-huh head nodder. lol xo Diana

  6. What a great idea! Your kids are such cuties- I have a 2.5 year old too- just so much fun!

    xo em

  7. Your boys are adorable! Love the moments you've captured! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Your boys are so cute! We've had warmer than usual weather as well, it's been nice to get my boys out as well! Thanks for sharing!

    PS- My husband hears "One of the blogs I read"- and I send him links with ideas to those blogs too!!
