
Sunday, October 2, 2011

31 Days of Beauty 4 Ashes

I might be a day late (and a dollar short), but I'm jumping on the 31 Days train anyway. 

There are tons of bloggers participating! I'm linking up at The Inspired Room, but there are other hosts as well.

So, why do you want to stick around?

  • I have two rooms in my house that are completely empty and waiting for makeovers!
  • My husband is refinishing our hardwood floors.
  • There will be a big before-and-after hallway project.
  • I've been slightly addicted to pinterest and can't wait to share my inspiration with you!
  • We like to eat around here, and I'll be posting some fall favorite recipes.
  • FOUR closets will be made-over and organized.
  • I will be blogging at least once a day to keep up with the 31 Days challenge, so there will always be a new post to come back to.
  • It's my birthday this week. Ok, so that's completely random, but fun to throw in there!
  • I have the three cutest little boys in the world and I'll keep you updated as to their antics.
  • There are some little changes happening to my living room--that is, if I can dig it out from under this mess!

Well, I better get going! There's so much to do!

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