
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Inspiration Files: Open Shelving

There's something about open shelving that makes my heart jump. It always manages to catch my eye. There are about a million and six examples out there, between blogs and design websites. Here are a few of my favorites.

My Home Ideas (I think!)

Some kitchens rely only on open shelves instead of having upper cabinets.

A Country Farmhouse (blog)

House Beautiful

Confessions of a Pioneer Woman (blog)

 I love the simplicity of Emily's kitchen and the beadboard behind the shelves.

Jones Design Company (blog)

Junkin' Junkie (blog)

Better Homes & Gardens / My Home Ideas

My Home Ideas

Cottage Living

My Home Ideas

Some kitchens have a mix of shelving and cupboards without doors.

Flea Market Trixie (blog)

The Lettered Cottage (blog)

Our Vintage Home Love (blog)

Perfectly Imperfect (blog)

Buckets of Burlap (blog)

I'm not sure what we'll end up with in our kitchen. 
What's in yours? What inspires you?

On a different note, I joined the BIG blogroll. What a great idea! If you're a blogger, head over and check it out.


Have a great week!


  1. Hi Ellie!

    Thanks for joining my blog directory and a BIG thank you for displaying my button!

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  2. I have both upper cabinets and open shelving in my kitchen. It wasn't always like that. I raise my cabinets up to the ceiling and added e shelf under each cabinet.Come by and check it out.

  3. I wouldn't mind a mix of open and cabinets. I just can't face a whole kitchen of open shelves, especially overly filled/cluttered ones. I KNOW they'd end up so quickly full of dust, maybe a little grease out of the air, and crumbs. Yes, crumbs. I find them in astonishing places in my kitchen. :-) And do you know the ONLY one who would empty shelves and wash everything down? Me. And not all that often, honestly. ;-D

    But display space, which I seriously underrated when designing my kitchen, is important...and fun.
