
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Five Year Anniversary

My Sweetheart and I are staying here tonight.

via google images

This is where we met in person for the first time on Labor Day weekend 2005. 

Little did I know that one year later we would be married, expecting our first baby and living in Iowa!

Little did I know that by the time we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary, we would be the parents of 3 little boys!

Happy anniversary to the father of my children, my best friend, and the love of my life! (Thankfully that's all the same person!)


  1. Happy Anniversary Ellie ( and husband) Love that last line in your post!

  2. How wonderful to have a night away for just the 2 of you! Happy Anniversary!

  3. We don't get to know where this amazing looking place is?

    You have definitely made the most of your last 5 years. Congratulations! I wish you the happiest of anniversaries.
