
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pregnancy Update-22 Weeks

How Far Along: 22 Weeks

Size of baby: About 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound.

Maternity Clothes: It's maternity all the way. This might be TMI for some people, but for me it's an awesome solution to an annoying problem! See, with the ever expanding tummy, I had a problem each pregnancy with my underwear rolling down and just NOT being comfortable! So I got a package of cotton granny-panties. Seriously! I got high-wasted underwear that's 2 sizes bigger than my usual size. It's great! Not only does my underwear stay up where it should, my pants are doing the same! Third time's a charm!

Gender: Still sticking with 'boy' but I would love to be surprised.

Movement: All. The. Time. It's a great feeling.

What I miss: Still doing well. Sometimes I wish I could lay on my tummy at night.

Sleep: Nothing unusual yet. I always get up to use the bathroom (and check on my boys), but only once. Later I know it'll be more than that!

Symptoms: Everything is normal around here. No heartburn to speak of, no weird cravings.

Best Moment This Week: I got to meet my new midwife! It's still hard to have to switch from someone I knew and trusted, but I feel like I'm in good hands. She and her co-worker gave me some great nutritional advice which I really appreciate.

What I am looking forward to: I can't wait to meet this little one! I'm excited to know what he looks like what is special and unique about him. 


  1. glad your midwife meeting went well!

    I have some granny panties for that reason, too. :) I find that it gets worse as my hips widen closer tot he end.

  2. Glad everything is going well! I think I may need some of those granny panties.

    Be sure & check out my giveaways, I have some great baby ones going on & more coming.

  3. Good for you for using a midwife :). Blessings, Kim
