
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ew, Gross!

Do you have places around your house that you want to clean up before holiday guests arrive? I do. If I could find some time to paint the hallway without help from my little guys, I totally would. And the kitchen ceiling. And the bathroom! 

The ugliest thing in my hallway besides the cheap oak doors that are banged, scratched, dinged dented and outfitted with nasty old doorknobs is the heater vent. I removed the one in the hall and decided to do a few more while I was at it.

 WARNING: The following pictures are graphic and disgusting!

Pile of dirty, ugly vents
Close-up of the filth!!!

Nothing that a little elbow-grease, a good vacuum cleaner and some spray paint can't fix!

Hall: Before
Hall: During
Hallway: After
Bedroom: Before
Bedroom: During
Bedroom: After
Living Room: Before
Living Room: After
All of this gunk in the vacuum cleaner
was from just the 3 places above!!!

  It's embarrassing to admit how much dirt a family of 4 can generate! Now, do you need to get out that vacuum and clean up a bit before your holiday guests arrive?


  1. That is pretty gross! I have enough trouble keeping up on the regular stuff, I haven't even attempted those extra things!

  2. Ellie, that is such a great idea! I need to clean out/spray paint my air vents. It looks awesome! and thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!
    Merry Christmas!
