
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What's in a Name?

Ann Marie over at White House, Black Shutters is having her second Help Me Wednesday.


I was just over there telling her I didn't have anything ready to link up when it dawned on me.

 I've been trying to come up with a name for our place.

 It's way out in the country in the middle of the corn and soy fields of Iowa.

We have 5 acres which we want to plant to native prairie.  

It's our little haven in the world where we can rear our children.

And have a HUGE garden every year. 

We also have long, cold winters.

And crazy, scary storms!

I'm playing around with a couple names.

Prairie Haven Acres

Prairie Homestead

Prairie Haven Homestead

Prairie Garden Farm

What do YOU think? Should I ditch the "prairie" and go another route?


  1. Before I finished scrolling all the way down I immediately thought Prairie Haven Acres! That's spo strange. I hope you find the name you're looking for. Remember to think of the acronym part too. So I wouldn't go with Prairie Manor State! Lol.

  2. I really like Prairie Haven. I would drop the Acres if it were up to me :) Good luck in choosing a name for your home!!

  3. I'm your newest follower from Buzz on by Thursday.

  4. Following you from Buzz on By Thursdays. Be sure and stop by my blog and return the favor!

  5. I like Prairie Haven Homestead - ya know, THE very longest name possible : )

  6. my blog name is the name we called our house. We have oak trees all around and acorns dropping all the time, gerrison kellior(sp?) was here last night preforming and he has a prairie home companion. How about a prairie story or prairie sweet prairie. What are some of the names of the native flowers you want to plant maybe work those in the name.

  7. I say stick with something "Prairie" since you clearly love it. I'd go with Prairie Homestead.

    Thanks for linking up!


  8. Prairie Haven...

    soounds like what you are describing....


  9. How FUN it would be to live in the countryside for awhile! I'm a city girl but always long for a little country time!

  10. *LOVE* Prairie Haven Acres! I think it sounds like exactly what you described. Although we live in a rural area, we border a very suburban area. I would love to have a farm one day!

    Thanks so much for finding the time in your super busy day to WRITE a post and link up! I featured you, feel free to grab a button!

    -Ann Marie

  11. I love them all. And, I want to live in the country. Up for another houseguest?

    I'm in the Illinois QUad CIties - right by Iowa. Where are you at. Such a small world.
