
Friday, July 2, 2010

10 Things DONE!

The second half of my 10 Tasks in 10 Days was a lot harder than the first! Maybe a big part of it was that I really only had 7 days before leaving on vacation, but I got everything mostly done! You can read about the challenge here and about the half-way update here

6) Paint hinges on four doors: Well, I guess I only did 3. I was inspired by this post over at Dittle Dattle to use metallic spray paint but brush it on so as to not make a mess. It's not perfect, but it helps! 



7) Figure out inbox/chalkboard/mail/bills. I feel like this one could have used up all 10 days on its own! I hung my chalkboard, but I'm not sure I like where it is. I also vowed to just be better at filing stuff so it doesn't pile up. I'm not 100% satisfied with how this project turned out, but at least it's better! And I don't have a good before and after picture... Sorry!

8) Make a "Family Rules" mural. One of my goals for this project was that it was free. I used an old memo board and spraypainted it white. Then I used different letter stickers (cuz that's what I had!) to spell out our family rules. Next I spraypainted everything black and peeled off the letters. It's not too shabby, but I might re-do it with better stencils or something. It looks pretty cool in our hallway tho!



9) Re-caulk new windows. My handsome husband did this one for me. For some reason the caulk around our new windows shrank and cracked. G just added another layer around each window and it looks so much better and cleaner! Thank you sweetheart!



10) Organize red file box: Oh, how I was dreading this project! The harmless red box in the before picture was filled with heaps of things I needed to file. I just gritted my teeth and did it! 




I don't think I would give myself an A+ for my whole list of 10 things, but it's great to know I got so much done! I'm not sure I'd want to do another 10 things in 10 days, but it sure kept me motivated! Thanks to The Shabby Chic Cottage for this challenge!



  1. I think you did pretty darn good! I love the family rules - never thought to use stickers as a stencil!

  2. Great job!! Love the family rules project.

  3. Thank you, Katie and Junebug! It's funny, I'm not at all thrilled with how it turned out, so thanks for your positive comments. :)

  4. Great job on your 10 things! I didn't even attempt this one. I knew I wouldn't be able to finish! I love your hinge makeover. Thanks for stopping my place! And thanks for the tip on the chalk marker. I'll be on the lookout for one of those! Hope you're having a great weekend!
